The 20 best things about moving to Scotland
Scotland is consistently voted one of the best places to visit in the world. But how about living here? Moving to Scotland I knew very little about the country – and now I have truly made it my home. As I am absolutely head over heels in love with Scotland here are my best things about living in Scotland.
1. Scotland might be a tiny country, but it has a very big heart
We beat our climate change promise 6 years early, voted for gay marriage, fight for multicultural social inclusion and respect our strong female leaders. Scotland has some of the most progressive politics, rights and laws in the world – and it makes me very proud.
2. The national dress is actually rather good
Whether you are a Skinny Malinky long legs or knobbly of the knee, the kilt turns a Scot into a ScotsMAN and it really does turn every lady slightly wobbly.
3. Scotland’s history drives its present
– and with the Scots’ proud and slightly obsessive wearing of the national dress at every available opportunity, it is celebrated too.
4. You get used to the Scottish weather
It’s either Taps Oan or Taps off. Mostly Taps Oan if I’m honest.

5. You will have more fun at a Glasgow funeral than an Edinburgh wedding
The Scots love a party and if you have been to a Scottish wedding then you will know just how exceptionally crazy they can be.
6. Scotland’s natural history is utterly mind-blowing
From the highlands to the islands you can’t help being caught up in the drama of the landscape. Moving to Scotland means you will discover a photographer’s dream.
how to plan a road trip in Scotland

7. You will love both the Scottish lilt and the labhairt
From the road signs to the way we name our mountains, the language is a huge part of what makes Scotland. There is even a day celebrating Scotland’s national poet – despite (although probably because of) Burns’ poetry was often about what he got up to in the bedroom.
8. The Scots have hundreds of words to describe being drunk
…blootered, stoating, steamin, jaked, trousered… ahem. Not that you will ever get stottin after moving to Scotland. Honest.
9. You know where you stand with a Scot
Everything and I mean, everything, shows right there on their faces. There is no hiding their feelings, especially the bar staff if you are a wee bit pissed.
10. Scotland is a proud country – and so it should be
Wherever you go in Scotland, you will discover warmth and welcome – the Scots have such a passion for their country. I fell in love with the #scotspirit so much that I married one.

11. Telling stories is in Scotland’s heart
From water nymphs to the Kelpies, to stone circles to the Fairy Flag of Dunvegan, and of course, Nessie – Scottish history is told through tales passed down through generations.
12. There is no way to prevent a midgie bite (if they like you)
There are a 101 ways to kill the wee beasties. Just choose your favourite, no one loves a midgie. I’d go for a flamethrower.
13. You can keep fit just by stepping outside
With two national parks, 282 Munros to climb, 30 long range walks, including the famous West Highland Way, you really don’t have any excuse.
Read more how to: climb a Munro

14. Scottish food is weird but delicious
Scotland might produce some of the best food in the world from its seas, lochs and fields, but it is that orange hangover cure, square sausage, haggis, and deep-fried anything, that is really our favourite.
15. The beaches are out of this world
Forget the Caribbean instead Scotland has the world beating Sanna Bay, Sands Beach, Luskentyre and Sandwood Bay Beach. You can take your pick.

16. Scotland has the best festivals
The Edinburgh Festival and its fringe might be famous worldwide, but Scotland’s festivals celebrate traditional music, its food and drink and even knitting! Most of them end up as a stramash. Even the knitting.
17. There are four national drinks
With over 300 whisky distilleries, 130 breweries and a plethora of gin producers, oh and Irn Bru. Whatever your tipple, you are sure of a fine hangover.

18. The Scottish sense of humour goes way beyond banter and sarcasm.
I shall point you in the direction of hurricane bawbag… plus all this happened in Scotland and all this.
19. Scotland’s Highland Coos are the cutest
(even if like me, you are petrified of cows)

…and finally, let’s just admit it. Number 20. of the best things about Scotland?
20. It really is the perfect small country to make your home.
Lots and lots of love, from Scotland x
Are you thinking of moving to Scotland? what are your favourite things about living in Scotland?
Wednesday 25th of May 2022
We stayed in the West Highlands last summer which was our first visit to Scotland. We normally visit the Lakes and was blown away by the stunning scenery, fab beaches and the wildlife! The people were also friendly. We are staying on the West Coast in July and can't wait.
My partner likes the idea of relocating to Scotland, I have lived in the same town my entire life, but he moved around a bit when he was younger normally living in small villages so he hates where we live now. There is nothing affordable for us where we live so we are considering Scotland, especially as there are so many more working from home jobs now since covid!
Jackie Johnson
Thursday 3rd of June 2021
Oh yes my father married Janette Dabbs on July 23rd 1960.. Had five children. If anyone can give me information it would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks♥️
Jackie Johnson
Thursday 3rd of June 2021
My Family is from Scotland originally . My Father was James P Renfroe Born on July 4 th 1928 , His father was James Marion Renfroe Passed away in 1960 , He was married to Jesse Noamia Hawkins .My name is Jackie Johnson my daughter and I would love to come to Scotland ... I know there is a town named Renfrewshire and that was my last name but for some reason they changed the spelling when they got here . I would love to see if anyone might know the reason for the last name change .We want to visit and see if we have any relatives in Scotland and see the beautiful sights . Please message me if you have any information. It is very important to us ..
William Brown
Monday 9th of December 2019
Well pleased
Friday 27th of April 2018
I went to Edinburgh away with work and I absolutely loved exploring the city!
I would love to visit more of Scotland but probably in the summer as I haaate the cold!
Lovely post :) x
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